Owen a twelve-year old boy, frequently picked-on and fail to take care of properly by his devorcing parents. He spends his days plotting revenge on his middle school tormentors and his evenings spying on the other inhabitants of his apartment complex.He befriends the equally strange new girl who's moved into his apartment building, only to discover that she's not everything she seems. The new girl's name is Abby, a weird self-possessed young girl who lives next door with her silent father. Abby is very weak child about Owen's age, she appears from her heavily curtained apartment only at night and always barefoot, seemingly immune to the bitter winter elements. Recognizing a associate shunned, Owen talk to her and before long, the two have formed a unique bond.When a string of ghastly murders puts the town on high alert, Abby's father disappears, and the terrified girl is left to ward for herself. Still, she continue snub Owen's effort to help her increasingly odd behavior leads the imaginative Owen to suspect she's hiding an unthinkable secret.
Release Date: October 1st, 2010