The Way Back is attractively photoed and shot drama is established on the true story of a group and numbered of prisoners who burst out of a Siberian internment camp better known as gulag throughout the 2nd world war and confronted a persistent journey over thousands of miles to detect safety. Colin Farrell, Ed Harris and Jim Sturgess are between the mixture crew whose endurance instincts formulate into a powerful bind when they create their path across ice terrain, the grim desert heat of Mongolia plus the apparently unpassable Himalayas - blaming up a young female exile (Saoirse Ronan) on the way. As over-the-top since the real world origin material might exist, the director bumbles into as well many movie triumph-over-adversity a trite or obvious remark plus the movie misses stride over its length running time. On the exclusion of Harris's oracular Mr.Smith, not at all of the primary parts cause much of an notion, making it hard for the spectator to really relate with thier plight.
Watch The Way Back, it is a drama film, directed by Peter Weir. Will be out the January 21, 2011 widely.