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Watch The Lincoln Lawyer Movie | Movies Online

L.A. condemnable defense lawyer Mickey Haller signs on to protect satiny, bland playboy broker Louis Roulet. Roulet was initially accused during ravishment, and his bearing down mother really does anything to brighten the son's name. Cost is no issue - Mickey has his first high-paying client in years. Rooting into valid, Mickey and P.I. Raul Levin reveal a blacker picture of Roulet's personality and grounds of a sinister past. And a second sudden death and fresh links to a notorious double-homicide, make Mickey inquiry if he's eventually in over his head. His interest becomes a inquiry of ethical motive and a even a query of his ain mortality.

The attorney takes expended lots of other his business life afraid this he would n't recognise chasteness if it remained firm right in front of him. The actions he will require to have been on the watch out for existed evil, evil as pure as a fire.

The circumstance at this point is the attorneys mobile "office" (back seat of a Lincoln towncar) implying existent cases and locations in L.A.. The foregoing story came forth and turned subsequent to writer Connelly in one case met a real-life "back seat" attorney.

The Lincoln Lawyer is  Drama, Horror, Mystery & Suspense. In theaters March 18, 2011 widely.

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