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Watch Going To The Distance Free Movie Online

Erins and Garrett's chemistry sparks a fledged summer fling. But Erin heads home to San Fransisco and Garrett stays because of his job in New York City. But the almost two months of romping through the New York City it became meaningful, and neither of them are sure they want it to end. While, Box and Dan, Garrett's friends joke about his pre flight calorie-cutting and his full-time relationship with his cell phone, they do not like to lose their best friend and best drinking buddy to yet another rocky romance. At the same time, Erin's over protective married sister, name Corrine, wanted to keep Erin from heading down an all-too-familiar road. But despite of the opposite coasts, the nay-saying family and a some unexpected temptations, Erin and Garrett just might have founds something like love, and with the help of text, sexting and late-night phone calls, they might actually go the distance.

It is a romantic comedy about the long-distance romance that may be worth fighting for.
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